Watermelon Rind Bacon Mozzarella Appetizers
Preparation instruction1
This watermelon rind bacon mozzarella appetizers recipe is guaranteed to draw attention at any party or social gathering.
To begin this recipe you will first need to cube your mozzarella, then set it aside.
Next take out a skillet and fry up your bacon. Once the bacon is done, cut it into bite size pieces, and then set
it aside.
Next take out a jar of sweet pickled watermelon rind and remove twenty rind cubes. Our sweet pickled watermelon rind
recipes can be found in the left navigation bar, or you can use store bought rind.
You are now ready to place the ingredients on to toothpicks. First slide on the sweet pickled watermelon rind,
followed by the bacon, then the mozzarella cubes.
You can double over your bacon pieces on the toothpick to accommodate larger pieces.
Serve these wonderful little appetizers on an appetizer tray. Other cheeses will work with the recipe as well,
such as monterey jack, pepper jack, or cheddar cheese.