Canned Watermelon Rind
Preparation instruction1
To begin this excellent canned watermelon rind recipe, you will first need to select a watermelon with a nice and
thick inner rind.
Using a sharp kitchen knife, trim all of the outer green skin from the watermelon, then cut the rind into small one
inch cubes.
Next take out a large pot, then combine the bottled water and slaked lime.
Next add in the cubed skinless rind, place a lid over the pot, then slide it into the refrigerator to chill overnight.
The next morning you will need to drain out all of the water from the pot, then rinse the rind under cold running water.
Fill the pot back up with fresh water, covering the rind completely, then bring the contents to a boil over medium high
heat. Once the ingredients have boiled for half an hour, drain out all of the water, and then place the rind aside
to cool.
Once your rind has cooled, add into the pot the distilled white vinegar, white sugar, red food coloring, Red Hots
cinnamon candies, and a tied off cheesecloth containing the crushed cinnamon sticks and whole cloves.
Boil these ingredients slowly until the rind cubes are completely transparent, and the vinegar sugar mixture begins
to form a thick syrup. This boiling process should take about one hour.
If at any time the syrup becomes too thick, water it down slightly. Once you are done with the boiling process,
discard the seasonings and cheesecloth.
Pack the watermelon rind into canning jars, then cover them with the syrup, making sure to leave about a half inch
head space at the top of each jar. Process and seal the jars, then store them in a cool dry place. That concludes
this recipe.